International activity
Department of Specialized Computer Systems for Computer Science and Engineering with such European Universities:
- University of Applied Sciences Karintia (Austria)
- Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technologies (Poland)
- Munich Technical University (Nimechchina)
- Technical University
- Ruse Technical University “Angel Kinchev” (Bulgaria)
- Yerevan State University (Virmenia)
- St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia)
- University Sciences of Sant’Piolten (Austria)
Contacts are being established with the primary mortgages to the light. The Department of Specialized Computer Systems has established Center for Electronic Education of NTUU “KPI” & gt; (within the framework of the project Program the development of the UN in Ukraine and at the spyvpratsi with the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technologies) For example, the department is in close cooperation with the company “Freescale” (USA), as well as with the Ukrainian company “Information software systems” within the framework of the development of scientific-methodical safety of the process of designing special processes.
1. A.M. Romankevich, V.A. Romankevich, Bakhtari Hedayatollah The edge hierarchy tree of the GL-model // Computer Science and Information Technologies: Abstracts of the Intern. scientific conference dedicated to the memory of prof. A.M. Bogomolova .- Saratov: Publishing house of Sarat.un-ta, 2007.- P.98-99
2. Romankevich V.A., Dremin A.S., Krokhmal Ya.V. A recursive method for the generation of edge functions of graph-logical models of fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems // Computer science and information technologies: Abstracts of the Intern. scientific conference dedicated to the memory of prof. A.M. Bogomolova .- Saratov: Publishing house of Sarat.un-ta, 2007.- P.97-98
3. Romankevich V., Potapova K., Hedayatollah Bakhtari The some properties of model’s of k-out -of-n system’s behavior in the stream of faults // Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design & amp; Test Symposium.- Armenia, Yerevan, September 2007.- p.763
4. T.G. Sapsay, E.R. Potapova, A.A. Kononova On increasing the efficiency of GL-models by modifying edge functions // Computer Science and Information Technologies: Abstracts of the International Conference. scientific conference dedicated to the memory of prof. A.M. Bogomolova.- Saratov: Publishing house of Sarat.un-ta, 2007.- P.101-102
5. A.M. Romankevich, V.V. Grol, O.A. Miroshnikova On increasing the efficiency of diagnostics of fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems due to testable implementation of their modules // Computer Science and Information Technologies: Abstracts of the Intern. scientific conference dedicated to the memory of prof. A.M. Bogomolova .- Saratov: Publishing house of Sarat.un-ta, 2007.- P.96-97
6. Dichka I.A., Proskurin D.V. Information technology based on digital postage stamps // Bulletin of Khmelnytsky National University. Technical sciences. – Khmelnitsky 2007. – No. 2, Vol. 1 (90). – from. 48-52.
7. Є.S. Sulem “Distance learning in computer science” (“eLearning in Computer Science”). Zbirnik Prats of the International Conference “Information Technologies in Education in the 21st Capital”, side. 144-150, Yerevan (Virmenia), 2007.
8. A. I. Marchenko, L. A. Marchenko Programming in the Turbo Pascal 7.0 environment. Ninth edition., Kiev: VEK +, St. Petersburg: KORONA print, 2007, 459 pages.
9. Bladniy D.V., Drobyazko I.P., Zabolotnya T.M., Medvid Є.P., Sapsay T.G. Organization of the forecasting subsystem for the information-analytical complex. V., Golub A.A., Zamyatin D.S., Nalivaichuk N.V., Petrashenko A.V. Logical integration of separate segments of heterogeneous databases // Current problems and progress in radio engineering, telecommunications and information technologies: Materials of the International Science and Practice Conference
10. Bormot, 2006-123. ., Leshchenko O.O., Mikhailyuk A.Yu., Mikhailyuk O.S., Serdyuk L.G. Functionality and architecture of modern information-analytical systems. V., Zamyatin D.S., Kebkalo O.S., Nalivaichuk O.Yu., Petrashenko A.V. Algorithm for automatic structural and logical analysis of an electronic document. // Urgent problems and progress in radio engineering, telecommunications and information technologies: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, m. Zaporizhzhia, 2006, pp. 126-127.
11. Zabolotnya T.M. ., Mikhailyuk A.Yu., Nalivaichuk O.Yu., Pidmalyak B.Ya. Automation control of semantic usage electronic documents in the base // Current problems and progress in radiotechnics, telecoms and formal technologies: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference in Zaporizhzhia, 2006, pp. 142-143. Mikhailuk E.S., Nalivaichuk N.V., Skoropadenko D.A., Tamberg V.E. Instrumental computer system for operational monitoring of telecommunication network lines // Current problems and progress in radio engineering, telecommunication and formal technologies: Materials of the International scientific and practical conference m. TO. Teslenko, A.S. Osipov. Information resistance: uniqueness and originality of information // Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Information and Electronic Technologies”, Odessa, 2006.
12. A.I. Marchenko, O. V. Boguslavsky Comparison of the performance of single-chip multiprocessor systems // Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Information and Electronic Technologies”, Odessa, 2006. P. 169.
13. Romankevych V., Potapova K., Hedayatollah Bakhtari K- out-of-n and K (m, n) systems and their models // Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design & amp; Test Workshop, – Russia, Sochi, September 2006, – p.189.
14. Romankevych A., Grol V., Fallahy Ali Structural method of pseudorandom fixed weight binary pattern sequences generation // Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design & amp; Test Workshop, – Russia, Sochi, September 2006, – pp. 217-221.
15. V.A. Romankevich, E.R. Potapova, Khedayatollah Bakhtari, A.A. Kononov. On modeling the behavior of fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems in a stream of failures // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Modern information and electronic technologies” Odessa, 2006, p. 154.
16. А.М. Romankevich, Ali Fallagi, R.I. Lupanova, A.P. Fesenyuk. On the formation of pseudo-random sequences with controllable parameters // Proceedings of the 7th international scientific-practical conference “Modern information and electronic technologies” Odessa, 2006, p.152.
17. Grol VV, Miroshnikova OA, Lukashevich M.G. Synthesis of testable digital combinational circuits on the basis of Reed-Muller forms // International scientific-practical conference “Modern information and electronic technologies” Odessa.- 2006.- P. 153.
18. Romankevich V.A., Potapova E.R. ., Chmyr A.V. Generator of pseudo-random vectors for modeling the flow of OMC failures // Tezi of additional reports of the International Science and Technology Conference “Information-Keruyuchі systems for retail transport”. 2006r.
19. Romankevich A.M., Fallagi Ali, Fesenyuk A.P., Skritsky A.V. On the error of the generator of pseudo-random sequences, controlled by two parameters // Tezi of additional reports of the International Science and Technology Conference “Information-Keruyuchі systems on public transport”. 2006.
20. Gorozhin A.D., Kononova A.A., Novak E.I., Bakhtari Khedayatollah Search algorithms for pairwise edge cycles in non-basic GL-models systems for retail transport “. 2006.
21. V. V. Grol, R. I. Lupanova, O. A. Miroshnikova. About troubleshooting in testable digital sequential devices // Abstracts of additional reports of the International Science and Technology Conference “Information and Keruyuchі systems on the public transport”. 2006.
22. Vyacheslav Valuisky, Inna Malyukova, Michael Goncharenko. Conception of Educational Resources Organization and Access Management for Virtual University, Technical University of Stockholm (Sweden). 16.02.2006,
23. Yevgeniya Sulema, Hans Schlichter „E-learning vs. Classical Studies: Experience of the Technical Universities ”, conference“ Interactive Computer Aided Learning ”ICL 2006, 27-29 April 2006, Filakh, Austria. Conference Pratsi.
24. Yevgeniya Sulema “Multimedia and Computer Technologies in e-Learning”, International Conference “Information Technologies for Rural Development”, 19-20 June 2006, Ulgava, Latvia, materials of the conference.
25. Romankevich A.M., Kononova A.A. “Peculiarities of transformation of GL-models of basic two-stable OMS to non-basic” // Guaranteed (superior and safe) systems, services and technologies. Tezi dopovid. – 2006.
26. V.A. Romankevich “On one method of constructing GL-models of fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems” // Guaranteed (superior and safe) systems, services and technologies. Tezi additional proofs. – 2006;
27. O. M. Sakada, O. I. Marchenko “The structure of the N-version planner” “// Guaranteed (superior and safe) systems, services and technologies. Tezi dopovid. – 2006.
28. V.A. Romankevich, A.A. Kononova, Rabah Moh’d Ahmad Al Shbul Features of the use of the universal GL-model K (m, n) in relation to 2-fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems // Bulletin of TUP, part 1, volume 1 “Tekhnichni nauki” .- Khmelnitskiy 2005.- Pp. 86-90.
29. Romankevych A., Romankevych V., Kono nova A., Rabah Al Shboul GL-models of K (2, N) FTMpS // Proceeding of East-West Design & amp; Test Workshop (EWDTW’05) .- Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics .- Kharkov, 2005.- pp. 88-91.
30. Sulema A.S. “E-learning: technical and pedagogical issues” … 13-15.
31. Sulema N., Tsvetkovich V. “Remote Laboratory for Supporting e-Studies in Electronics”, collection of the international symposium “Remote Engineering Virtual Instrumentation” (REV2005), Brasov, Rumunia, 30 worms – 1 lime p. 2005, CD.
32. Sulema Є.S. “Using video and panoramic images in e-learning”, collection of the international conference “Interactive computers” (ICL2005), Fileakh, Austria, 28-30 veresnya 2005 , CD.
33. Romankevich A.M., Grol V.V., Fallagi Ali Generation of PS-sequences of binary sets with a controlled distribution law // Information-Keruyuchі systems for retail transport. Tezi dopovid.- 2005.- No. 5.- P. 97.
34. Vyacheslav Valuisky. “Platforms of Distance Learning Support. The Analysis and the Compatibility ”, Journal of Multimedia Aided Education Research 2005, vol2, No.1, pp.103-111, The National Institute of Multimedia Education, 2-12, Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-Chi 261-0014 , Japan. •
35. M. Zgurovsky, S. Sidorenko, I. Malyukova, S. Shukaev, V. Valuisky. “Central and Eastern European Virtual University (CEEVU)”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland, July 25-29, 2005, pp. 762-766. International visit: The main international podias, which were seen at the department for the rest of the rock:
36. VIII International Science Conference “Intellectual analysis of information ІАІ-2008”, May 2008. International seminar-training for applied problems of computer and software engineering ACSE (Applications of Computer and Software Engineering) for students and postgraduates of computer specialties, spring-summer 2008. ) The III International Student Seminar “Applications of Computer and Software Engineering” (ACSE’07) (Kyiv, NTUU “KPI”, 17-19 Spring 2007) was held for students and postgraduates of the NTUU “KPI” computers.
37. Polish-Ukrainian Workshop on Software Engineering Curriculum development and e-learning By the Institute of Information Technologies, Warsaw, Poland, 6 – 9 leaf fall 2007 r.
38. Seminar of the Microsoft company for the FPM victories “Program for the security of Microsoft in the initial process of the new chief pawns”, Kyiv, NTUU sheet “KPI”, r.
39. Seminar of the Microsoft company for students of the FPM “Academic programs Microsoft for students”, 26 leaf fall 2007.
40. Videoconference for the participation of the Center for Electronic Education NTUU “KPI”, Faculty of Linguistics NTUU “KPI”, Polish Institute of Information Technologies, April 11, 2007. “NTUU KPI”), Vidavnistvo “Prosvita” (m. Kiev); regions-participants – Russia, Bilorusia.
41. Videoconference for the participation of the Center for Electronic Education of NTUU “KPI”, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technologies, Ukrainian-Japanese Center, December 2006 r. educate NTUU “KPI”, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technologies, Ukrainian-Japanese Center, National Technical University “Lvivska Politekhnika”, chest 2006.
42. Seminar-training systems “Digital Systems” , held at the Spіvpratsі with the Technological Institute of Karіntії (Austria), 22-24 May 2006. Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technologies, Warsaw, Poland, chest, 2006 year. Information Technologies, Warsaw, Poland, April 11-15, 2005.
43. Seminar-training “Real-Time Systems”, held at the Institute of Technology Karintiya (Austria), 19-22 Veresnya 2005.