Brief historical information about the department of SPiSKS

The Department of Specialized Computer Systems (initially as the Department of Specialized Computing Devices) was officially established on June 25, 1990 by order of the Rector of NTUU “KPI” simultaneously with the establishment of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and its composition. Some preparatory work for the opening of the department was also carried out during 1988 and 1989. This was the first department of such scientific and pedagogical orientation in the higher technical school of Ukraine. Only a few years later, similar departments appeared in some other technical universities in Ukraine. The staff of the newly created department consisted of 14 teachers and 14 people of teaching and research staff, who at their request were transferred from the Department of Computer Science NTUU “KPI”. For the initial placement of the department by the rector of NTUU “KPI” were allocated three rooms on the second and third floors of the building №18, with a total area of about 80 square meters. meters. The first (1990) enrollment of students in the department was 25 people, it was the academic group KV-01.
MZ Zgurovsky, a full member of NASU, KG Samofalov, a corresponding member of NASU, OA Molchanov, OA Pavlov, VP Tarasenko, professors of NTUU “KPI” actively contributed to the creation of the department and its formation. .MR Romankevich, MVSinkov, GMLutsky.
Since 1992, the department is called SCS. In the same year, the department received the fourth and fifth floors of the building №15 with a total area of more than 500 square meters to accommodate its units. meters where it is to this day.
Since 2013, the department is called SPiSKS (System Programming and Specialized Computer Systems).
The laboratory base of the department today includes more than 100 PENTIUM III / IV computers connected to a local network with access to the World Wide Web.

The annual enrollment of students in the department is now 120 people on a state budget basis and almost as many on a contract basis. The total licensed training of specialists in all specialties of the department is 190 people.
Today the teaching staff of the department consists of 27 people. Among them: 1 Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, 2 full members of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, 1 full member of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine, 6 doctors, professors, 14 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 2 laureates of state prizes, 3 awarded international prizes and medals scientific and technical societies. 11 teachers of the department have the right to supervise the scientific work of graduate students. Currently, 8 graduate students are studying at the department. During the existence of the department its staff and graduates have defended 2 doctoral and 11 candidate dissertations.

The total number of students in the department exceeds 500.

Including more than 100 foreign students from Lebanon, India, Morocco, Bangladesh, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Iran, China, Tanzania, Uganda and other countries. Foreign graduate students also study at the department.

Since the establishment of the department it is headed by Tarasenko Volodymyr Petrovych – Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Engineering of Ukraine, Chairman of the “Ukraine” Section of the International Scientific and Technical Society “The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers”

Basic scientific and pedagogical concepts of the department

The need to organize the department was due, firstly, the growing needs of society in specialists who would form the staffing of information technology for various purposes, which at that time began to develop rapidly and, secondly, significant differentiation of computer technology as a science-intensive industry. That is, the department was called to prepare professional staff for those extremely important areas of society that are already recognized by the world community as crucial for the beginning of the post-industrial 21st century. One of these areas is the mathematization of science, technology, production, social relations, etc., which consists in their formalization, structuring and the widest application of mathematical methods for solving physical, technical, informational,

Another important modern trend is the computerization of public life in the world dimension. Now it is computer systems and computer networks that play the role of the main tool of applied mathematics and information technology. Only through computerization is the most effective way of mathematization under current conditions. Thanks to this set of scientific and educational areas, the department provides a dynamic harmonious combination of the latest achievements of basic applied sciences in the preparation of bachelors, specialists and masters. A characteristic feature of the high level of development of any country is that it not only uses computer science (this is a necessary condition), but, above all, produces them.

The main tool of computer science are computer systems, which in the modern sense are a complementary unity of hardware and software. Many information technologies (ie, the processes of initial receipt, storage, processing, transmission and generation of new information) can be implemented using universal computer systems for general purposes. But along with this, there are a large number of classes of problems in computer science, to solve which are not enough information and mathematical capabilities and technical and economic qualities of computer systems for general purposes.

This is due to the fact that, first, there are always some contradictions between the formal mathematical methods of solving problems on the one hand and the general principles of construction, as well as the technical capabilities of computer systems on the other. Often the mathematical essence of problems requires special tools to solve them.

Secondly, the structure and functions of computer tools are highly dependent on the specifics of those subject areas to which the problems solved by it belong. This specificity is manifested, for example, in the tasks of signal and image processing, navigation, orientation and control of moving autonomous objects, providing telecommunications, diagnostics and control of objects and systems of great complexity, real-time information processing, information security and more.

Third, the practice of using computer systems often requires special requirements for such qualities as performance, reliability, accuracy, power consumption, dimensions, weight, design, functional and information compatibility with other systems, adaptability to operating conditions and more. As a result, there is a need to create specialized computer systems that are best (according to a certain set of criteria) to perform the specified functions.

The above factors led to the division of computer technology into “Computer Engineering” and “Computer Science” at the end of the 20th century, as well as the further division of each of these two basic areas into several specialties.

Thus, the content of the activities of specialists in “Computer Engineering” is to create tools for modern and advanced information technology, development and application of computer systems and networks of general and special purpose, their system software, specialized computer systems and networks with optimized parameters, embedded computer systems, information security in computer systems, local and dispersed computer systems, as well as artificial intelligence systems.

Features of teaching students at the Department of SPiSKS

The training of specialists in the department generally corresponds to the multilevel educational scheme adopted in the higher technical school of Ukraine. Training during the first four years is aimed at mastering the program of basic educational direction “Computer Engineering”. Individuals who have successfully completed such a program receive a document of basic higher education and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering. The bachelor has special skills and knowledge to perform a limited number of production functions associated with the life cycle of the object of its activity.

The generalized object of activity of specialists with higher education in the field of “Computer Engineering” is technical and system software of computer systems, networks and their components of universal and special purpose. “Computer Engineering” covers the phases of development and design, production, operation, maintenance and repair, as well as (if necessary) utilization of computer hardware, software and hardware.

Unlike other educational bachelor’s programs related to the organization and use of computer systems, the program “Computer Engineering” has the most pronounced intra-computer orientation. The sphere of future activity of bachelors in “Computer Engineering” consists of state, cooperative, joint-stock and private institutions, enterprises, organizations, firms, associations, etc., which are engaged in the design, manufacture and operation of software and hardware, their implantation to composition of other facilities and systems, as well as engineering management in this area. However, the positions that a bachelor can hold usually do not require him to make organizational and technical decisions and be responsible for them

After the bachelor’s degree, students can continue their studies to obtain the educational and qualification levels of specialist (another year and a half) or master’s degree (two years). A specialist is a specialist who has acquired special skills and knowledge to perform all production functions related to the life cycle of the object of its activity. The direction and content of such training are determined by the specialty. On the basis of one bachelor’s degree training in several specialties can be conducted. Within one specialty there may be several specializations, which are due to certain differences in the tasks, tools, products or conditions of the specialist.

The master’s degree specialist has special skills and knowledge to perform research, pedagogical, managerial or innovative functions related to the life cycle of the object of its activity. At the same time, almost all graduates of the bachelor’s degree can receive higher education at the specialist level, while only those who have shown a tendency to the relevant activity, which is determined by a special, collegially accepted, recommendation of the department, can receive a master’s degree.

After the bachelor’s degree, the SCS department trains specialists in the areas of general-purpose information technologies – specialty “Computer Systems and Networks” (CSM), special purpose – specialty “Specialized Computer Systems” (SCS) or system programming – specialty “System Programming “- (SP). 

All educational programs at the Department of SCS fully comply with the recommendations of the special commission AFM / IEEE-CS (The Association for Computing Machinery / The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – Computer Society) – a world authority on the development of curricula and programs in computer engineering and computer science. They are also in line with the relevant curricula adopted by the best universities in Europe and North America.

This orientation is realized through the introduction of narrow-profile disciplines and by redistributing time to study specific topics between individual specialties.

The peculiarity of the schedule of the educational process at the Department of SCS is the possibility of learning English (spoken and technical translation) during all years of study, continuity of training in mathematics and programming. In the process of learning to perform laboratory work, term papers and projects using the latest computer systems and networks, operating environments, programming languages, application packages.

Within the professional competence students study the laws of nature and society, principles and systems of technology, ethical and aesthetic norms and rules of conduct of individuals, groups, society as a whole, the evolutionary development of science, technology, culture, historical past and its impact on present and future. Courses provide education of critical logical and creative thinking, the ability to effectively associate and communicate orally and in writing, the ability to make both quantitative and qualitative analysis and conclusions from it, the development of abilities and creating conditions for learning the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary. for future professional activity.

On a contractual basis, they are additionally offered for studying disciplines that orient future specialists to the market conditions of their activity: marketing and management in computer business, computerized development of business plans, computerized accounting in small enterprises.

During their studies, students have the opportunity to engage in scientific work: to participate in research and experimental work performed at the department, in scientific and practical seminars and conferences. The most talented and capable graduates based on the results of training and defense of qualifying dissertations can be recommended for admission to graduate school.

In the fourth and fifth years of full-time education, male students can study at the Faculty of Military Training. Upon completion of the two-year cycle of training, successful passing of the exam on military training and defense of qualification work, graduates are awarded the military rank of “reserve lieutenant”.

Applicants who have not scored the required number of points have the opportunity to study on a contract basis. According to the results of previous years’ enrollment, the total number of contract students is about half of all enrolled students. Students studying on a contract basis after the end of the next semester in the presence of vacancies can be transferred to state budget places by competition (based on personal rating).

After four years of study, everyone has the opportunity to receive a second higher education in the evening form of study in the following areas: linguistics, law, management and marketing, sociology and more.

Upon graduation, such students receive two diplomas of higher education.

Students have the opportunity to actively engage in sports (all kinds of athletics, wrestling, tennis, volleyball, basketball, football, swimming, aerobics, bodybuilding, etc.), to participate in competitions. For this purpose, there is a sports complex NTUU “KPI”, which meets all world standards.

Those interested can engage in art studios, including fine arts, ballroom and classical dance, in music and choral groups, teams of the club are cheerful and smart.

During the holidays, students have the opportunity to rest on discounted tours in sanatoriums, rest homes and student tourist camps located on the shores of the Black and Azov Seas, as well as in the Carpathians and Kyiv region.

For those who want to recover during training, there is a special clinic, which provides all vacationers not only quality dietary nutrition, but also a high level of medical care.

Students have the opportunity to use the library of NTUU “KPI” them. GI Denisenko – one of the best scientific and technical libraries in Europe.

Non-Chinese students are provided with accommodation in dormitories located next to the academic buildings, and students with their own families are provided with separate rooms in special family dormitories. Material assistance is provided to students from low-income families.

Graduates of KSM, SCS and JV specialties are constantly in high demand in the domestic and foreign labor markets.