Admission to the master’s degree
Admission to the master training programs for the full-time study is carried out in the specialty COMPUTER ENGINEERING in the following specialization: “System programming and specialized computer systems.” The admission plan by state order (full-time study) is determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. There is no set for OQR “Specialist”! This year’s additional entrance test is not required. But pass the entrance exam required. If you are entering the master’s program, you will need to take a single entrance exam in a foreign language (EMI) in the form of an external examination, and to do this – register for the EMI with May 11 to June 3 (until 6:00 p.m.) and < / span> June 30 write English, German, Spanish or French. This year, the only entrance exam in a foreign language must pass all entrants to the master’s program KPI. Igor Sikorky without exception. The only entrance exam in a foreign language or simply an external examination in a foreign language for admission to a master’s degree will be conducted in the same program as for admission to the first year on the basis of complete general secondary education, except for parts “Written speech” and “Language comprehension by ear” . Applicants to the master’s program will consist only of the parts “Reading” and “Use of language”. This year we can count the results of EVI 2020 and 2021. Applications for admission to the master’s program are submitted exclusively electronically. Up to 5 applications can be submitted under the state order, the number of applications at the expense of individuals and / or legal entities is a maximum of 30. In order to submit documents, you need from July 1 register an electronic cabinet. You can apply July 15 to July 23 inclusive . Entrance exams in the specialty can be made from July 24 to July 30 inclusive according to the schedule of work of attestation commissions. The schedule of the attestation commission and the schedule of entrance examinations can be found on the website of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics Official documents of the selection committee :
PROGRAM of a complex professional test for admission to the educational-professional training program of the master’s specialty 123 – Computer Engineering, specialization “System programming and specialized computer systems “is following this link
Documents for admission to the master’s degree in 2021: General questions of admission to the master’s program Example of registration of the list of scientific works of the entrant